This group exhibition brings together 14 works selected by the gallery artists themselves.
Following the successful first edition of The Domino Effect in November 2020, we invited the artists again to choose one work by another artist.
This year, Mihai Plătică joined the roster. And while we kept the idea of a chain reaction, the alphabetical order in which the artists made their choices last year was replaced by a random succession, generated by an online tool: Raluca Popa ➟ Sebastian Moldovan ➟ Tania Mouraud ➟ Vlatka Horvat ➟ Felipe Cohen ➟ Ištvan Išt Huzjan ➟ Ignacio Uriarte ➟ Mihai Plătică ➟ Mircea Stănescu ➟ Marilena Preda Sânc ➟ Pavel Brăila ➟ Damir Očko ➟ Răzvan Anton ➟ Radu Cioca.
Besides spurring dialogue between artists, the new presentation aims to be a cross-section of 14 artistic practices that reflect diverse interests and concerns. From testaments to the immediacy and directness of the drawn line to compositions that embed the temporality of slow or labour-intensive production processes, almost half of the works on view reveal different approaches to the same medium – drawing. Photography, painting, collage and object contribute to the rhizomatic system of this exhibition that resists a monolithic thematic model, favouring instead plurality and connections.