Théo Massoulier


Théo Massoulier

“Spanning sculpture, installation and painting, my work draws as much on the vocabulary of the sciences of evolution and biology as it does on the philosophical issues raised by recent societal evolution.

I am interested in the systemic tensions revealed by the crises of the Anthropocene and in their corresponding aesthetics: the principle of metamorphosis and emergence, fluidification of structures, technologization of life, in light of the concept of entropy and the resource-waste dialectic.

Particularly deliberate with the materials I use, I make meticulous heterogeneous assemblages, generating hybrid and dynamic serial forms where mineral elements, plants and artifacts or scraps of human technē coexist.

My initial series, titled Anthropic Combinations of Entropic Elements, features over 70 assemblages that resemble small protean entities. Together they form a body of work aiming to highlight processes of hybridization. The sculptures, similar to colorful microlandscapes, echo cell culture instruments or small prebiotic matrices. Spaces for growth where the porous and contaminating nature of evolutionary processes would give rise to new bifurcations, new forms, new paths…”

Photo by Blandine Soulage


Born in 1983, Pertuis (FR), lives and works in Lyon (FR)



MA (Diplôme National Supérieur d’Expression Plastique), École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts de Lyon (FR)


BA (Diplôme National d’Art), École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts de Lyon (FR)



‘Organism’, Gaep, Bucharest (RO) 


‘Job Control’, Galerie Tator, Lyon (FR)

‘Ad Ultra’, Galerie Meessen De Clercq, Brussels (BE)


‘Planktós’, Les Quinconces et L’Espal, Scène nationale du Mans, Le Mans (FR)


‘Kairos’, Kashagan Galerie, Lyon (FR)


‘Varius Multiplex Multiformis’, Galeries Nomades in partnership with IAC Villeurbanne-L’angle, Villeurbanne, La Roche-sur-Foron (FR)

‘Nanogenèse’, Centre d’art Bastille, Grenoble (FR)

‘Turbozoïc’, Centre des Humanités, INSA, Lyon (FR)



‘Mnemonics [back to the future]’, Gaep, Bucharest (RO)


‘Metamorphe(S)’, Musée d’art contemporain de Montélimar (FR)


‘Aquamorphose’, Les Petites Maisons, Paris (FR)

‘Métamorphoses’, Like a Gallery, Saint-Didier-au-Mont-d’Or, Lyon (FR)

‘Much without many’, Galerie Meessen De Clercq, Brussels (BE)

‘Nouvelles Floraisons’, Galerie Françoise Besson, Lyon (FR)

‘Index2K20-21’, Galerie Kashagan, Lyon (FR)


‘Là où les eaux se mêlent’, Lyon Biennial, IAC Villeurbanne, Villeurbanne (FR)

‘Experientia!’, Château de Lunéville, Lunéville (FR)


‘InDex 2K’, Galerie Kashagan, Lyon (FR)


‘HyperPavilion’, Arsenale Nord, Venice (IT)


‘Throwing Balls in the Air’, Academiae Youth Art Biennial, Fortezza (IT)

‘Pending’, Réfectoire des nonnes, École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts, Lyon (FR)


‘Cryptogypse’, L’espace rencontre, École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts, Lyon (FR)



Résidence Art & Entreprise at Ducaroy Grange, with the support of DRAC Auvergne Rhône-Alpes (FR)


Moly-Sabata, Fondation Albert Gleizes, Sablons (FR)

Prix Galeries Nomades des amis de l’IAC de Villeurbanne (FR)


“My work, which is now comprised of four main series, is informed by several dialectics such as the opposition between order and chaos, the dynamics of microscopic and macroscopic, and the integration of technology in the cycle of human evolution. All the series have evolved from Anthropic Combinations of Entropic Elements, a group of assemblages that I started right after graduating from École des beaux-arts de Lyon in 2016 by recuperating an entire body of disparate elements that I had accumulated during my studies. The first year after graduation was dominated by this kind of playful process of making small assemblages. Gradually, the ideas crystallised along a certain continuity between this initial serial forms and the following ones.”
“Visions of a cyborg future where animal and plant matter fuse with technology is what science fiction has been promising us – and people remain divided on whether that will be a good or a bad thing. French artist Théo Massoulier brings this idea into his works.”
“Théo Massoulier's creatures are a flow of the biological and the mineral, hybrids that completely elude categories and endorse a reality in transition, subordinate to energy exchanges, to waste, sometimes even to temporary blockages.”
“In most of my series of sculptures, I like to use a trilogy of materials: minerals, plants and fragments of human techne. I call techne (in the polysemic sense dating back to ancient Greeks) any object conceived by and produced by a human being. In practice, it is often about pieces from destroyed, broken, cut or disassembled objects. The idea of ​​the interdependence of these three families of materials has always fascinated me.”
